10. The Witch

"The Witch" is one of those movies.  It's one of those movies that divides audiences.  It divides the group who actually enjoy seeing something different from the group who only say they do (this phenomenon will be the subject of a column, sometime in the future).  And make no mistake, "The Witch" is not your... Continue Reading →

9. Race

When I was in sixth grade, we were given an assignment to choose and read a biography and then, naturally, write a report on whatever we chose.  I ended up reading a biography on Jesse Owens.  I don't really recall how I arrived at that decision (probably a suggestion from my parents), but it left... Continue Reading →

7. Deadpool

You need to understand this: I love Deadpool.  Really.  I didn't learn about Deadpool after the film was announced and jump on the bandwagon.  I didn't discover him from thousands of cutesy Internet memes and then declare myself a knowledgeable fan without ever reading a single issue of any of his comic book series.  No, I'm a... Continue Reading →

6.  Hail, Caesar!

Oh, the woes of misleading marketing.  To be fair, though, I'm not sure how Hail, Caesar! should have been marketed.  It's a tough nut to crack. What the Coen Brothers gave us, this time out, is an incredibly self-aware and self-referential picture (nowadays, this is called "meta") about Hollywood filmmaking during the early days of the... Continue Reading →

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